How Do Store Credit Cards Work

But with many retail cards, it's important to understand how the features can vary and what that means for you. The primary ways store credit cards differ from traditional cards include acceptance, eligibility requirements, interest rates and credit limits. Here's what you need to know.

A store credit card is a special type of credit card that is offered through a partnership between a retailer and a credit card issuer. 👉 For example: Amazon partners with Chase to offer an Amazon Prime credit card. Other stores partner with different lenders to offer their own unique credit cards.

How Do Store Credit Cards Work - Summary. Great for superfans of a particular store or chain, store credit cards earn solid rewards and give access to exclusive events. However, they’re not worth it for every potential cardholder. The content on this page is accurate as of the posting date; however, some of our partner offers may have expired.

Written by: Satta Sarmah Hightower. • Updated January 27, 2023 • 6 min read. In a Nutshell. Store credit cards can have some tempting rewards, but they may also come with high interest rates and other drawbacks that you should know about.

What Is a Store Credit Card? A store credit card is a credit that can only be used at a specific retailer. Unlike a gift card, which gives you a specific amount of money to spend like cash, a store card is a credit account with a spending limit and a balance that you need to pay off.

A store credit card is a form of revolving credit in that you use it to make purchases and pay down the balance later. Store credit cards can come with pros, like additional perks and rewards when you use a store credit card at the store it’s associated with.

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