Injury Calculator

Estimate how much your pain and suffering is worth after an accident with this free online tool. Learn how the calculator works, what factors affect your compensation and how to get legal help.

Calculate the value of your personal injury case based on medical expenses, vehicle damage, lost income, and general damages. This is not legal advice and the settlement estimate is for instructional purposes only. Consult an attorney for a financial and legal analysis of your case.

Injury Calculator - Use Burger Law's free personal injury calculator to estimate the value of your claim and learn about the types of compensation you can receive. Contact a skilled personal injury lawyer for a free case evaluation and to protect your rights after an accident.

Learn how attorneys estimate the value of your injury claim using a personal injury calculator. Find out what factors affect the multiplier and the types of damages you can recover.

Estimate the potential value of your personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit with this online tool. Enter your medical expenses, lost income and pain and suffering multiplier to get a rough settlement amount.

Our injury calculator is very simple to use. It is based on hundreds of years of personal injury lawyer legal experience and our very own personal injury settlement algorithm. In less than 60 seconds, you will have the final calculation for your injury claim. This short 7 step calculation will answer your question of what is my settlement worth.

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